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  We are a Christian people, washed in the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, committed to go and teach the gospel and the Word of God to every creature; Pledged to lift and restore all marginalized, persecuted and afflicted and debt (debt of love). 2 Samuel 22: 2.

  We are a cheerful and jovial, Church of God committed to relieve pain and transform the community in the name of Christ.

  We are a church where you feel God's love, agape love, which gives everything without waiting unrewarded.


  We guaranteed to love all comers regardless of what happened in your life. We are all one in Christ and therefore does not discriminate on grounds of race, religion, academic preparation, disability, sex or age.

  We are a Church that continually minister, who believes in the power of the Word of God and the power of prayer.  We worship God freely and spontaneously, but reverently, based on the pattern of God's Word.

  Give glory to God for this manifestation of his leadership and loyalty. To each member and supporter of the Church, thank you for your support. Today new dimensions, conquer new territories, grow in faith and firmness. The hand of God is upon us, so today we can say: "we remember your mercy in thy temple."






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